MCH&HS Covid Testing – August 2020 – Testing is FREE!
COVID-19 Drive-Through Testing Events at MCH&HS in Blair
Tues, August 4th—7:00-9:00 AM
Wed, August 5th—4:00-6:00 PM
Tues, August 11th—7:00-9:00 AM
Wed, August 12th—4:00-6:00 PM
Tues, August 18th—7:00-9:00 AM
Wed, August 19th—4:00-6:00 PM
Tues, August 25th—7:00-9:00 AM
Wed, August 26th—4:00-6:00 PM
Those interested in having a test must register at Once registered, you will receive an appointment to come to the Blair test site located at MCH&HS. Patients will be notified of their test result per text/email within approximately 72 hours of the test.
Directions for the above dates:
Turn right onto N 22nd street from Wright Street. Look for signage and arrows for Test Nebraska between First Lutheran Church and the Blair Clinic parking lots.
If possible, please leave pets at home for our safety and yours.