Say Thank You to a Nurse with The Daisy Award®
The DAISY Award® is an international program that honors and celebrates the skilled and compassionate care nurses provide every day. This award was devised as a way to thank and recognize nurses for the often overlooked level of care they provide, day in and day out.
The DAISY Foundation
An acronym for Diseases Attacking the Immune SYstem, The DAISY Foundation was formed in November 1999, by the family of J. Patrick Barnes who died at age 33 of complications of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP). The nursing care Patrick received when hospitalized profoundly touched his family.
Nominated by Phil Armendariz, Emergency Department Manager, Terrin Leehy, Emergency Department RN, is Memorial Community Hospital & Health Systems first recipient of The Daisy Award! “Terrin is one of the hardest working nurses I have had the opportunity to work with. Every day, she takes great care of the patients entrusted to our emergency department with diligence, compassion and extreme care. She is consistently tasking and always makes sure the department is stocked for the next shift. She is a joy to work with and everyone I work with has an appreciation for her kindness and work ethic, she is a nurse I definitely look up to. Terrin maintains professionalism and is a model nurse. Congrats Terrin! You’re awesome!”
Nomination Requirements
A DAISY Award nominee must be an RN or LPN employed by Memorial Community Hospital & Health System. The nominee must display compassion and clinical expertise, as well as the highest standard of care. Nomination forms may be found at
Shown above are Amy Zimmer, Manny Banner, Phil Armendariz, Terrin Leehy, and Keala Roy.